On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 7PM the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has scheduled a Public Meeting. The “Dallas” Meeting Room at the Days Inn by Wyndham will host the Public Meeting. It is located at 3605 South US Highway 75 in Sherman, TX. This Public Meeting will discuss the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant / Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES). The Permit Number is WQ0016092001 for Treasure Island Laguna Azure LLC (Megatel).
Proposed Discharge Location
Megatel is seeking authorization to discharge treated domestic wastewater at an annual average flow not to exceed 1,400,000 gallons per day. If approved, this will discharge treated effluent to the West Prong Whites Creek. This Creek flows into Whites Creek, then East Fork Trinity River above Lake Lavon. Then it flows into Lake Lavon in Segment No 0821 of the Trinity River Basin. See the highlighted map below to see how the river will flow down from the Wastewater Treatment Plant and where Lake Lavon is located.

NOTE: This meeting is to ONLY discuss the treatment plant and water issues. It is NOT to discuss city growth, schools, traffic, noise, etc. The Developer has already purchased 6 parcels of land (see map below). Megatel WILL be building their Treasure Island Laguna Development (between 3,500 to 4,000 homes and 1,500 to 2,000 apartments). The City of Van Alstyne is fighting to have them utilize the existing Van Alstyne water and sewer. Megatel wants to build their own Wastewater Treatment Plant and drill into our aquifers for water for this development. We need your help to STOP them from approving this Wastewater Treatment Plant!
Map of Land Owned by Treasure Island Laguna Azure LLC

Map image created from the Grayson Central Appraisal District’s online interactive map: https://graysonappraisal.org/
How does this affect Van Alstyne?
The City of Van Alstyne, TX is encouraging all citizens to attend this meeting to voice your opinions and seek answers about this proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant and Discharge. If the state approves Megatel’s MUD (Municipal Utility District) request, then Megatel will be allowed to build whatever they want on the land. Van Alstyne would not have any input into the development. Van Alstyne would not receive any city taxes to improve roads or infrastructure to support these proposed homes and apartments.
If this MUD request is denied, then they would have to use Van Alstyne water and sewer. That would be great news for our city! The city can the lot sizes, public safety, land for schools and parks with the developer. If the community gets annex into the City of Van Alstyne, then the city would receive taxes to help support this growth.
What are the issues and objections?
According to the letter from September 12, 2023 from Lane H. Jones – C.M.O./City Manager the city notes the following items for its citizens knowledge and awareness with regards to this Wastewater Treatment Plant:
- The City of Van Alstyne has filed an objection to the granting of a permit for this package sewer plant.
- There are inherent health risks associated with package sewer plants.
- The City has a master sewer plan that will serve this area when normal development occurs.
- The landowner has been offered to tie-into the City’s sewer system.
- The landowner is seeking to serve over 3,500 homes and an unknown number of multi-family units in a MUD (Municipal Utility District) with this type of sewer system.
- Under certain circumstances, trucks may have to “pump and haul” effluent from this package sewer plan across roads/streets in Van Alstyne for proper disposal.
- There could be significant odors emanating from the package plan system.
- North Texas Municipal Water District has also filed and objecting to this permit.
How Can You Help?
Lane H Jones continues to write in the letter encouraging the citizens of Van Alstyne to use the following statements to OBJECT to this Wastewater Treatment Plant:
- “I strongly oppose the granting of this permit”
- “I feel that my land will be damaged if this permit is granted”
- “I oppose the plan and the development it will serve”
So, please come and voice your objections to the Wastewater Treatment Plant on October 9, 2023 at 7:00PM in the “Dallas” Meeting Room at the Days Inn by Wyndham located at 3605 South US Highway 75 in Sherman, TX.
You can also submit written comments anytime during the meeting or by mail before the close of the public comment period to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087. You can also submit electronically at https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/. You will need to submit the Permit # when writing or electronically. The Permit Number is: WQ0016092001.
The Executive Director’s Preliminary Decision and draft permits are available for viewing and copying at the Van Alstyne Public Library. You can also get further information by calling Mr. Jonathan Nguyen, Quiddity Engineering at (512) 685-5156.
Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 or (800) RELAY-TX (TDD) at least five business days prior to the meeting.
To read more about the application for the TPDES Permit for Municipal Waste Water go to: https://cityofvanalstyne.us/treasure-island-wastewater-permit-public-meeting-set/
Here is the letter from the City Manager of Van Alstyne – September 12, 2023.