City Council Approved Site Plan
Arka Montessori Academy will be coming to Van Alstyne, Texas! On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, the City Council approved the site plan for a daycare facility to be built in Van Alstyne. MRM Van Alstyne Investments, LLC has been working with the City of Van Alstyne to develop their 3.9 acre of land off N. Waco Street. The land has been annexed into VA and re-zoned to allow the development of a new daycare facility. The land owner is also working with the city on 2 future retail buildings in this 3.9 acre site. The location of Arka Montessori Academy will be directly across from the old Middle School building, which is now the new 5th and 6th Grade School building.

Site Plan Details
The approved site plan is on 1.87 acres. The building will be approximately 11,970 square feet. There will be 30 parking spaces and an 8,600 square feet playground. There will be 3 playgrounds and a splash pad with continuous pass through freshwater. To see the full site plan with elevations submitted by MRM Van Alstyne Investments, LLC, click here to view.

Infant Care from 6 weeks to After School Care to 12 yrs
To learn more about Arka Montessori Academy, visit their website at: https://arkamontessori.com/vanalstyne/ This brand new childcare/preschool center will be state of the art! They focus more on playing and less on screen time. They will have programs for infants from 6 weeks old with daily activities like music, story time, tummy time, baby yoga and sign language. The toddler program develops a child’s social interaction, language skills, fine and gross motor development, music and movement. The primary program offers a variety of studies from it’s well rounded curriculum. They will also be offering after school care along with summer camps.
To learn more, visit their website or call (903) 518-3080. I’m excited that our city is future planning for the needs of our community as we increase in size over the next 10 years. Additional childcare options will be needed and this is a wonderful addition to our Van Alstyne community and to our children. I hope you will join me in welcoming Arka Montessori Academy when they come to Van Alstyne!
Note: They hope to have the academy completed by the end of 2025. They will have preregistration open after they officially break ground on the new building.