Give your Child a Letter from Santa!
Van Alstyne Santa Letters are back for 2024! Christmas is just around the corner and these personalized letters are filled with good wishes from Santa Claus himself. Sign-up for a FREE customized letter from Santa to your child. These FREE Santa Letters will be printed and addressed to your child/children. Keep the wonder alive during this magical time of the year!
I’ve made a few change from last year that will hopefully help make sure that your letters get to your kids. I won’t be mailing out the letters through the post office. This will help prevent having letters getting lost. I instead have I 5 pick-up dates for you to choose from to get your letters from Santa for your kids.
I’ve checked my list and checked it twice, ordered all my supplies and I’m ready to print Santa Letters and address envelopes for your children. Supplies are limited, so order your letter early! I have enough supplies for about 700 children.
Santa Letters for 2024
I’ve created 3 new Van Alstyne Santa Letters for 2024 for you to choose from for your child. And I had about 100 (+/-) pieces of stationary left over from 2023, so I’m bringing back letter #1 for you to also order.
The names on the letter will be personalized for your child. The rest of the verbiage will remain as written in the example letter (sorry, there are no other customization’s allowed other than the name).

How to Pick-Up
I have 5 pick-up dates for you to choose from. All Santa letters must be picked-up at the Crew Real Estate Office at 162 S. Main Drive in Van Alstyne. You can designate someone to pick them up for you if these dates don’t work for your schedule. Just put down the person that will be picking them up on the order form.
Tuesday, November 19th between 2:00PM to 5:30PM
Thursday, November 21st between 2:00PM to 7:00PM
Saturday, November 23rd between 9:30AM to 1:00PM
Sunday, November 24th between 4:00PM to 7:30PM
Tuesday, December 3rd between 2:00PM to 7:30PM
Deadline for Ordering
The deadline for ordering these Santa Letters is November 17th. If you missed ordering by this date, please send me an email to katricia@livinginvanalstyne.com or give me a call/text at (903) 627-5000 to see if I can accept any more orders.