
Hi!  This website, LivingInVanAlstyne.com, is an informational website all about the city of Van Alstyne.  My name is Katricia Navarrete.  I’m a newer resident of Van Alstyne (my family and I moved here in 2021).  My kids and I are excited to learn all about our amazing city.

I wanted to create a place to help those who are new to Van Alstyne (like me) to learn more about the community.   I wanted to share and highlight the local businesses that are in Van Alstyne.  We might be a small town, but honestly, we have almost everything we need! 

We don’t have big box stores, but we have small businesses that make our small town so unique.  I just love our downtown and the history of our city! 

As I learn more about our town, I’ll continue to update and post on social media all about the amazing things happening in Van Alstyne.  I hope you enjoy learning about Van Alstyne and much as I am enjoying it!

Thank you for visiting my website!

Katricia Navarrete

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