Kids Easter Egg Hunt - FCVA
27mar7:00 pm8:30 pmKids Easter Egg Hunt - FCVA7PM to 8:30PM - 182 S. Dallas St
Event Details
The Fellowship Church of Van Alstyne is hosting a kids Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday,
Event Details

The Fellowship Church of Van Alstyne is hosting a kids Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday, March 27th at 7PM to 8:30PM. The Fellowship Church of Van Alstyne is located at 182 S. Dallas Ave. in Van Alstyne. This is for kids ages infant to 12 years old. Come to the Fellowship Church of Van Alstyne and be a part of an incredible kids Life Group and then experience a fun egg hunt! Rumor has it there will be an exciting twist added to this year’s egg hunt.
There is no cost for the Easter Egg Hunt, but Fellowship Church of Van Alstyne is requesting that you RSVP for the Easter Egg Hunt on their website at
FREE, but must RSVP!
March 27, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-06:00)
Fellowship Church Van Alstyne
182 S. Dallas Ave